What's the cheapest and most potent Acetylcholine Esterase Inhibitor?
Cheapest acetylcholine esterase Inhibitors according to many sources including reddit are Huperzine-A, Galantamine, Donepezil... my favorite is donepezil as it also boosts mood, however Huperzine-A may be better for memory because it has a 12 hours half life which is perfect since if taken in the morning it lasts just as much as needed to avoid excessive choline while sleeping (low acetylcholine is needed to consolidate memories during sleep)
Huperzine-A, it inhibits acetylcholinesterase only in brain (not so much in other parts of body). As Giacomo put it very well, prescription inhibitors such as Donepezil should be used every day/at all since it influence motor cortex and stuff. We have AChE in our body for a reason...
Huperzine A is cheap af but you're probably aware of that one
Definitely not Galantamine, way too difficult to source. I prefer Huperzine over Vinporcetine myself, its down to whether NGF increase or vasodilation provide better outcomes for your body.
Caffeine is probably cheapest, Donepezil and Ladostigil are some others, probably best to stick with Huperzine A

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