What are your experiences with Bromantane?
I heard so many good things about it, but when It came down to actually experimenting with it, It was extremely underwhelming.
Tried it a couple of times and didn't feel anything. I might be way underdosing as I don't have a scale. What doses do you guys usually take? I only have scoops.
I find bromantane to only be of benefit when combined with other stimulating noots such as caffeine, theobromine, FlModafinil, as well as Semax/NA semax
I loved it at ~100mg. Subtle but noticable energy, excellent anxiolytic, mood boost. Hate that it’s a bit expensive though, and I hear about tolerance if you take it too regularly.
Just got some bromantane to try, however only did one dose so far and it was not in isolation. Seemed to increase the half-life quite a bit of the other stimulatin stuff I was using while packing and moving, plus experienced a nice mood boost that other stimulants have not. I was very active, so of course I felt physically worn out the next day, but there was no mental hangover, definitely excited to give it a full test run soon.
its not close to phenibut at all. its more like calm ritalin, try mixing it with L-theanine and emoxxypine for a sober type of calm.
tianipitine should have no effect on it at all
As a person who isn't anxious, Bromantane will make me feel weird in a good way, almost altered consciousness. I also get motivation and endurance from it. 50mg is my dosage, as I take the original Ladasten tablets. Good stuff
As a person who isn't anxious, Bromantane will make me feel weird in a good way, almost altered consciousness. I also get motivation and endurance from it. 50mg is my dosage, as I take the original Ladasten tablets. Good stuff
60mg of bromantane is my sweet spot. It provides a subtle mood lift and anxiety relief and a little energy. It DOES help me in the gym
I was definitely expecting a little more energy/motivation with it. I just found it made me sleepy, this was at 15 mg 1x. I tried it for about 3 days and finally decided I was going to take a break. There are other contributing factors as always, so I'm going to give it another go in a week or two.
over the course of a week i trialed bromantane, starting with 50mg and working up to 200mg. Bromantane has no noticeable effect until about 100mg or more. It's a funny little chem as it takes about 2 and a half hours for women to metabolise it and 4 hours for men. But it then gives 11-12 hours of smooth stimulation and increased physical and mental endurance, and cuts down fatigue by a lot. It has similar wakefulness to modafinil, i'd even say it has greater efficacy than the eurogenics. No real tolerance buildup but that was only at a weeks worth of daily use, usually tolerance would show up to 2 weeks of daily use. A very nice nootropic to use if you're studying and works wonders in conjuction with noopept, see reddit experiences, or other cognitive nootropics, and stimulating smart drugs.
I tried 150mg today and felt very weird. Upset stomach, a strange kind of lethargy (the anti anxiety effect)? I think i should've tried 50mg. Tomorrow i will try phenyl p for the first time, and re try a lower bromantane dose on monday.
This was one of the most controversial banned substances of the Atlantla Olympics, can't wait to start training on it, I think the only reason why the west doesn't use and recognise things like Phenibut, phenyl-p, Picamilon etc etc is stubbornness and the lack of communication eg Iron Curtain etc
I took it yesterday and didn't notice much of anything and actually had some anxiety. Started to feel a migraine coming on but it never got too bad (I have them most days so probably not from the bromantane). I will try it again on a day I have more to do and see if it helps keep my energy up. Later in the day I felt a little strange, kind of restless but tired I guess.
Bromantane is extremely unique in that it's an anxiolytic and a stimulant at the same time. It technically calms you down while also stimulating you - it's difficult to describe without using it yourself. If you want something more edgy just use modafinil or the basic caffeine+theanine.

 It depends on your preferences for stimulants. Bromantane is extremely unique in that it's an anxiolytic and a stimulant at the same time. It technically calms you down while also stimulating you - it's difficult to describe without using it yourself. If you want something more edgy just use modafinil or the basic caffeine+theanine.


Bromantane is a remarkable stimulant. It doesn't increase anxiety, and can even ameliorate it.


Bromantane is in my opinion the safest, most effective, and healthiest stimulant to use, period. It's signficantly safer than caffeine in terms of addiction potential.

"As such, bromantane has few to no side effects (including peripheral sympathomimetic effects and hyperstimulation), does not seem to produce tolerance or dependence, does not show withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation, and displays an absence of addiction potential, all of which are quite contrary to typical psychostimulants.[1][17] In accordance with human findings, animals exposed to bromantane for extended periods of time do not appear to develop tolerance or dependence either.[30]"


 I love the Phenyl-Piracetam,Adrafanil,Bromantanestack. I have ADD and been on Adderall over 20 years and Klonopin too. The klonopin has messed my memory up. And slowed down my reaction time from taken it so long. I also have a noot called Irda-21 that's really new with limited research. It's great for the memory issue and reaction time and it gives you a pretty good energy boost but tapers off in about 30 minutes. The cool thing is the cognitive effects last up to 36 hours. I can tell a difference between the Nootropics and the adderall. The motivation feels like a natural energy not like my body is on something.The focuse also feels like it's not a hyper focus that Adderall gives me. I also take Kratom with them. I took each one individually before I stacked them. The bromantane is something that takes a little bit of time to begin to work. Check out limitless he's a vetted vendor on here. His prices are lower than the big guys! If you want Kratom check out KC Botanicals I'm also a vendor here as well.


I heard from Bromantane from a pharmaceutical friend of mine. He used to work around the clock in the lab and recommended it as a multipurpose anti-anxiety/super focus drug that does its job. 


I love it. The more stressful of a situation you get in the more calm and focused you get. You don’t feel much physical stimulation but neurally you are very clear headed and coherent. It takes about 3.5 to 4 hours to kick in

If you take it sublingually with polyethylene glycol you’ll get better results and it will absorb into your bloodstream faster 

It’s not a for a person that’s looking to feel a buzz or an amazing euphoria but a general sense of well being and focus that can be permanent 

You will find that you can do a lot more at the gym on it as well because it alters your DNA as an adaptogen allowing you do do more with less oxygen 

So you can run further and do more without the mental exhaustion or feeling winded as easily

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