Noopept + aniracetam + alpha gpc stack

i started taking noopept+aniracetam+alpha gpc stack for studying, but i fell high when i take them and cant concentrate on anything. I take 10 mg noopept, 250mg alpha gpc and 800mg aniracetam in the morning, 10mg noopept in the afternoon. Does this mean those are the wrong nootropics for me or should i change dosage?

Alpha Brain vs Focus XT


Has anyone compared Alpha Brain to Focus XT? And if so what was your preference? Ive ordered and tried Focus XT and love it but would like something stronger. Im interested in ordering unmixed nootropics aswell. Very interested in energizers, is Pramiracetam and noopept a good starter for a newbie? Any insight is welcome!

Alpha brain stack reviews


Has anyone tried alpha brain stack from onnit labs? Is it any good? Please share your reviews. Or anything else that's similar to this but better?

nootroo reviews?


Reviews on Nootroo's product with edible gold and silver? They use what is called 'irrelevant attribute strategy' to create extra percieved value and brand differentiation.

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