Anyone taken Qualia supplement? What was your experience? Please share your reviews.
I did try Qualia for one day. So did my wife. We were on edge and anxious the whole day. They quickly refunded our money. Customer service was over the top. If anyone wants my bottles we can absolutely work a deal.
finally a premade stack that looks nice. I would try this if the price isn't too ridiculous. They have a collective of neurohackers so maybe they'd trade a bottle for recipe advice lol
Qualia's ads and review are too elaborate for me to trust them. Most Nootropic stacks contain (disclaimer: made up statistic) 90% of the same ingredients, in slightly different proportions. They're good for busy people who don't have the time or experience to assemble their own stack from scratch. Just like you said, good for beginners.
I tried Neurohackers Qualia for a month and it seems useless! I figured that's an easy to way to get supposedly all good stuff in, and it sucked. ZERO effect except for some caffeine high. Good old herbs and mushrooms seem way better and affordable too
I would say the qualia price is a joke, and so is their marketing. Unlike the trubrain and axonlabs, neurohacker offers no description of who actually owns and operates the business, instead representing themselves as a hierarchal "collective" including several doctors listed as "research members" and CEOs/celebrities listed as "members". Finally it lists "senior members" with intangible subscript such as "solutionist", "sorceror", and "evolutionarily philosopher", while the "research members" and "members" often have real qualifications like CEO or P.h.D.

Two of the senior members appear to be related, and I wonder how much involvement Mark Devine actually had in their operations.

The ingredients are good, although the formula is pretty dense, and I always advocate that less is more, and people should test one substance at a time. I also always say that blends lack personalization, and tend to be under or overkill.

I would say that someone could achieve equally good results for less than half the price after doing some self quantification and experimenting. In addition, I don't like to give my money to companies that make overblown claims or dramatic "about us" pages.

If I did buy a one size fits all stack, Trubrain is one of the few products actually produced by neuroscientists. Lots of companies have medical professionals on staff, but I haven't seen another developed by them.

Nitrovit has a good formula, and the owner has very high standards. I haven't personally tried it, but I respect the owner's commitment to the community and the effort he has put into his product.

I tried an early formulation of Hapi with good results. Like nitrovit, I respect the team behind it, and would try it first if I wanted to switch to an all in one.

Onnit's alpha brain is the only one I know of that has specifically undergone clinical studies for efficacy.

I don't like the marketing tactics used by nootrobox, but they have a great philosophy and are involved in the nootropic communities.
looking at the ingredients of Qualia it has i can just say its way to expensive... plus it has over 20 ingredients, it seems like they put every nootropic they heard of in there and the amount of each is very little to make a difference imo.. i would rather experiment myself and find a few good nootropics that work best for me instead of buying something like this..
I wouldn't ever consider qualia at that price. Ridiculous.
I do wonder if you have a hand in the product as you asked for thoughts, someone replied, and you turned it around by saying that the ingredients were impressive.
I work in a neuroscience lab. Several of these constituents are unsafe for chronic use.

Forskolin is a very nonspecific and dirty drug that raises cAMP levels. It does cause LTP but that's a simplistic metric for learning and memory (e.g., LTD is also crucial). High cAMP can cause neural cell death and seizures.

The 100 mg of L-DOPA in Mucuna Pruriens will overstimulate and kill dopamine neurons over time.

The huperzine A and vinpocetine are not to be trifled with.

Furthermore, the caffeine content will likely overpower your ability to evaluate the subjective effect of the supplement.

The rest of the ingredients have a great therapeutic window.
1. Check the contents of qualia
2. See how effective they are consider and whether or not you're interested in their effects
3. Order the ones you like in bulk, look for additional info on reddit

No reason to pay out of your ass for something that may not work for what you wan
Basing on ads Qualia looks like a nootropic version of a "Mega men's whole body" multi vitamins and supplement. Which is sort of how I currently stack Brainergy and profidderall with added theanine. Although after those warnings about the ingredients and their potential drawbacks I am certainly less inclined to give this a shot.
Too many ingredients. The one good thing that I will note is that qualia, at least, makes an effort to incorporate Noopept. Other than that, it seems more like a "Monster Energy" version of Alpha Brain, and I don't see the point in it. I also think that Ben should tone down on the sensationalism. Too many bloggers do it, which partly explains why we have clickbait.
There's too many ingredients. There are already too many ingredients in most nootropic supplements but this one is going way overboard. The more ingredients there are, the less of each one there will be. Concentration of each one is more important than total volume of them altogether.
There's too many ingredients. There are already too many ingredients in most nootropic supplements but this one is going way overboard. The more ingredients there are, the less of each one there will be. Concentration of each one is more important than total volume of them altogether.
There's too many ingredients. There are already too many ingredients in most nootropic supplements but this one is going way overboard. The more ingredients there are, the less of each one there will be. Concentration of each one is more important than total volume of them altogether.
I'm into my second month on it.

I feel greater mental endurance and stability.

But, I'm missing the spiky high mental activity I had without it.

But, the overall plateau is at a higher level.
On the site it says that by taking it will help us stop doing stupid things that could kill us. Interesting sale pitch I guess
I think Qualia is way overpriced and I don't like the kitchen sink approach. The website is full of bullshit testimonials and fake marketing. What I'm confused about is why it wouldn't produce any result. This is even more suspect because you know that some of the ingredients are effective for you. To me, this means that either it doesn't contain everything on the label or the ingredients are somehow counteracting each other. There could also be a bioavailability issue like you mentioned but I would think they would have discovered that by now. What do you think?
Impressive ingredients and maybe worth the price if you don't already take all or most of them (I'm at most) Just a detail, The important research on PQQ was done at 20mg. (PubMed). Qualia is at 10mg. but you can buy reliable 10mg. caps inexpensively, from Life Extension.
Hundred and fifty bucks per mo. is steep but this actually has useful amounts of ingredients. Found the ingred. amounts. by googling reviews. Not for people who buy bulk powders but not sham amounts either. Would be fun to look them up if you're new, even if you wouldn't buy it. Read - Read - Read - ..........and then, Read. Mike Hill, keep a notebook, PubMed is golden.. For general vit. and supplements, and articles on them, LEF, (Life Extension Foundation), can't be beat.

I took my first dose this morning. Step One at 630 after breathing exercises and before my cold shower. Then took the step two at around 7/730 after I ate breakfast. I was already feeling it before I got to making breakfast, just 20-30min after step one. It's now just about noon and Im still on cloud 9. First of all, a definite mood boost, really happy to be kicking. Secondly, great energy, I feel like I could go owrk out real heavy, or dive deep into some heavy research. I'm not 'amped up' but I feel willing to do whatever I focus on doing. Overall, this is pretty revolutionary for me. I have been kind of low energy lately and not focused or interested. Today at 650am I was practicing guitar, then reading a chapter in a book before I even had breakfast.

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